Web Apps

The Apple Vision Pro headset, priced at $3,499, won't be available until next year but promises to usher in a new era of "spatial computing."

It is time to tackle the growing problem of removing your personal data from uncontrolled online displays, and there are solutions within your grasp. Protect your identity, reputation, and assets with these strategies to delete your data from public record websites and other online dens of inequity.

Apply these tips to prevent bad actors from using your IP address to load malware onto your devices, serve you with ransomware, hack into your financial accounts, or steal your entire online identity.

Microsoft has announced a hands-on preview for the commercial customers of its new Teams Premium product designed to make meetings more personal, intelligent, and secure.

The Handwrytten app is part of an automated CRM tool that lets businesses — and individuals with an entrepreneurial passion — integrate computerized automation with personalized handwritten notes to customers. The result is a novel approach to updating one of marketing’s best-known strategies ...

Shadow code -- third-party scripts and libraries often added to web applications without security validation -- pose risks to websites and jeopardize compliance with privacy regulations, according to new research conducted by Osterman Research for PerimeterX. Third-party code leaves organizations vu...

Adobe on Aug. 19 announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire cloud-based video collaboration platform Frame.io. The acquisition joins Adobe Creative Cloud's video capabilities with Frame.io's cloud-first workflow functionality to create an end-to-end video collaboration platform.

Cultivating repeat customers is a critical necessity in the continuing customer shift to mobile-first interactions for a potential product or service purchase. Digital CX tools help level the playing field by providing SMBs the same advantages put to use by their larger counterparts to solidify the ...

Reports of a data breach of TurboTax have been overblown, according to Intuit which owns the tax preparation platform. Several news outlets recently reported that an unspecified number of TurboTax accounts were compromised in a wave of credential stuffing attacks. Those kinds of attacks exploit cred...

DuckDuckGo has announced an add-on to the Chrome browser that blocks Google's new scheme to provide marketers with information for targeting advertising at Internet users. The scheme called FLoC -- Federated Learning of Cohorts -- is being tested in Chrome, in some cases without the knowledge of th...

Collaboration between employees, teams, and clients is more important than ever before, and new technologies and platforms are available to facilitate communication and group work. The E-Commerce Times checked in with experts in collaboration software and technologies to hear more about how people a...


The Evolving Future of the Office

I participated in a group analyst event several weeks ago about companies converting their offices into collections of meeting rooms. We couldn't picture people who have been meeting remotely for so many months suddenly concluding that the long commute to and from the office was worth meeting in per...

Google sent a shock wave through the advertising and publishing industries last year when it announced it planned to scrap third-party tracking cookies, which are an important tool for online marketers. Not to worry, the company announced Monday that it has a viable alternative in the wings.

A Mini Browser War in Linux

Two new Web browsing alternatives widen the field of browser choices for Linux users. The recent introduction of Microsoft Edge for Linux, and the Dec. 8 release of Vivaldi version 3.5 offer the freedom to experience a Google-free vehicle to navigate the Internet. Edge on Linux has the potential for...

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