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Results 21-40 of 1910 for John P. Mello Jr.

AI Coming to White Castle Drive-Thrus With Help From SoundHound, Samsung

Artificial intelligence is coming to more than 100 drive-thru lanes at White Castle, the fast food hamburger chain that invented the "slider" in 1921 ...

Study Warns Age Bias Can Threaten Workplace Cybersecurity

Younger workers can pose a greater risk to an organization's cybersecurity than older workers, according to a study released Tuesday by IT security company Ivanti ...

Spotify AI-Powered Translation Tool Has Podcasters Speaking in Global Tongues

Spotify is opening up foreign language markets to its podcasters through artificial intelligence ...

SatCo Makes First 5G Call via Satellite Using Everyday Smartphone

A satellite network provider on Tuesday announced it has successfully used its space hardware to complete a voice and data call from an unmodified smartphone ...

New Report Finds Sharp Rise in Sextortion of Teen Boys

Reports involving online sexual extortion of teen boys reached "shocking" levels during the first six months of this year, according to a report released Monday by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) ...

Apple Adds Muscle to New iPhones, Watches

A new line of iPhones and a new Apple Watch were announced by the company Tuesday at a prerecorded online event ...

Digital Desperados ‘Jailbreaking’ AI Systems for Thrills and Profit

Denizens of the dark web are forming communities to share tips and tricks for "jailbreaking" generative AI systems, as well as offering "custom" systems of their own, according to a computer and network security company ...

Forrester Recommends Enterprises Avoid AI Hype and Zombie Projects

Enterprise adopters should avert the temptation to buy into the hype blanketing artificial intelligence when deploying AI solutions and need to be ruthless when AI projects fail ...

Pew Finds More Americans Worried About AI Than Excited by It

Artificial intelligence concerns more Americans than it excites, although few think the technology will have a significant impact on their jobs, according to a pair of studies released Monday by a Washington, D.C. think tank ...

Cyber Insurance Costs Rising, Coverages Shrinking: Report

Rates for cyber insurance policies continue to rise while a growing number of exclusions are shrinking what's covered by them, according to a report released Tuesday by a cybersecurity company ...

Growing Number of ID Theft Victims Mulling Suicide, ITRC Reports

A growing number of identity theft victims are having thoughts of suicide, the Identity Theft Resource Center reported Wednesday ...

2023 Holiday Sales Outlook Not Making Merchants Merry

It's never too early for a retailer to start thinking about the holiday season, although this year, they may want to delay thinking about it a while longer. That's because prognosticators are predicting a lackluster holiday sales season in 2023 ...

Generative AI Riding Crest of Gartner Hype Wave

Generative AI is perched on the peak of inflated expectations in Gartner's 2023 hype cycle for emerging technologies released Wednesday ...

Experts Say Workplace AI Bans Won’t Work

A recent study released by enterprise security software and services provider BlackBerry revealed that 75% of organizations worldwide are implementing or considering implementing workplace bans on ChatGPT and other generative AI applications. However, experts questioned by TechNewsWorld were skeptical of the effectiveness of such bans ...

Researchers Reveal Method To Stifle Malicious Robocalls

Researchers at North Carolina State University on Wednesday revealed a novel method for foiling malicious robocalls ...

AI Drafted in War on Online Crimes Against Kids

Artificial intelligence technologies are being applied by investigators that can identify and stop internet crimes against children (ICAC), according to a maker of AI tools for law enforcement, government agencies, and enterprises ...

MBA Grads With Startup Ambitions Attracted to Health Care, AI

The class of 2023 from two of the nation's most prominent business schools founded nearly 100 startups, according to data released by an international software design and development firm ...

Devs, IT Leaders Urged To Embrace Climate-Conscious Coding Practices

A Salesforce executive is calling on coders to consider climate change when writing their software ...

Google Green Report: Sustainability Wins, Water Goals Remain Elusive

Google's annual environmental report released Monday showed the company continued to meet its goals for renewable energy use but still had a ways to go to meet its pledge to give back to communities more water than it's taking out of them to cool its data centers and supply its offices ...

Musk Rolls Dice With Drastic Rebranding of Twitter

In a drastic rebranding move, Elon Musk scrapped the perky blue bird that symbolized Twitter for more than a decade and replaced it with an enigmatic X ...

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